About Me

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The Cats killed my Curiosity: Hi, there! Please state your full name.

Me: My name is Catalina Alexandra Stan. I was also named Maria when I was baptize, to have a saint"s protection. This does not show up in the legal documents, though. You can call me Catalina, Cata, Cati, Cat, C., or even "Hey, You".

The Cats killed my Curiosity: When and where were you born?

Me: I was born in May, 1987, in a city called Braila, in Romania.

The Cats killed my Curiosity: Any brothers and sisters?...[read more...]

Gintama Ep.08: There Is Butt A Fine Line Between Persistence And Stubbornness

"There is but a fine line between persistence and stubbornness"

("Gintama", ep.08, based on Hideaki Sorachi's manga)

Stuck on Reply

The Mad Scientist

  • May I Serve You Some True Blood, Ma'am?
    May I Serve You Some True Blood, Ma’am?

    Dear Readers, (The Big Red Haired Fox, Ana, keeps telling me that the blog gets more hits and visitors each month, so, I am upping the formula to readers and will talk to you as a whole from now on. Do not feel depersonalized on me now, I care about […]

The Joker

  • My Brain vs. The Computer and The OS
    My Brain vs. The Computer and The OS

    Dear Readers, Ever since my brain was damaged, I became very interested in how this “pretty” organ works and how mine is working, in particular. In nearly all articles that were read to me, the brain is often compared to a computer and unanimously described as an electric network. If […]

The Helper

“Nothing satisfies ne but your soul”

Chess board players

Snipped off the Chess Board Players

The two sons were standing by their father's bed, both upset and in disagreement. The King already said that his decision was final and since he did not want to prolong his suffering by arguing and negotiating needlessly over political affairs with the two, he pointed his right arm at the door and asked them to leave. Continuing fighting would not be rational and their father needed rest. For two people who were striving to be as different as possible from each other, the twins thought very much alike. As such, they headed towards the door, but heard a voice behind saying: [read more...]

Când noaptea e pe tocuri

Pete pe tavan

Pete pe tavan

M-am trezit, ca de obicei, mult prea devreme. Și, ca de obicei, habar nu aveam cum am să pierd cele zeci de minute până avea să sune alarma de la ceas care avea să declanșeze blestematul de radio și, implicit, vreo melodie la modă. M-am decis, în cele din urmă, să pierd cele 30 de minute stând întinsă în pat și uitându-mă aiurea la petele de pe tavan. Le-am fixat atât de mult cu privirea, că, zău, am început să cred că semănau cu un fel de hartă și că puteam să recunosc Brasil și India pe ea. Nu mai are importanță cum...[read more...]

Slice of Life

  • The Piano Concert
    The Piano Concert

    Dear Readers, It’s been exactly 3 months to this day since my good friend T. last allowed me to play his electric piano. Truth be told, it was a onetime only thing, so I haven’t touched any keys ever since. That is mostly because I have no talent. “I’m not impressed, you are no Beethoven”, T. told me that day. “I’m sorry, but who are you that I have to […]


  • If only...then maybe...
    If only…then maybe…

    Dear Readers, If there is a thing that I am absolutely sure it will help me get my sight back and that is if I go back to Waterford, Ireland, the place that I lived for 5 months before the stroke that I suffered in November 2013. I thought about this many times, over and over again. What is that thing that I need that could truly help me ? […]

I had a Stroke att 26 – part 1

Braila Emergency Hospital catalinastan.com

Braila Hospital

It has been quite a while since my last post (100 days to be exact).I apologize for that, but I think I was waiting for something good to happen to report back to you. Many times I said I wasn't ready [read more...]

I had a Stroke at 26 – part 2

Pinned to the Bed catalinastan.com

Hospital in Bucharest

Thank you for coming back to read my story. If you are new here you should refer to part 1. Let's continue with the story. Last time I said that I had to see a specialist in infectious diseases [read more...]

I had a Stroke at 26 – part 3

Intensive Care catalinastan.com

Intensive Care

It is becoming harder and harder to talk about this events and it is breaking my heart into more thousands of pieces just by thinking of them. But I started it, so I have to finish it [read more...]

I had a Stroke at 26 – part 4

Victory Sign catalinastan.com

Happy to Be Going Home

Welcome back for the last part of my story. If you were unable to read the previous parts here are the links: part 1, part 2 and part 3. My last post ended with me being on an ambulance [read more...]

My soft Spot for Crocheting – The Beginnings

Baby Sized Afghan Tunisian Entrelac Blanket Baby Sized Afghan Tunisian Entrelac Blanket using three different colors

Fall has come. A few days ago I woke up in the morning and asked my sis (her name is Ana) to bring me a pair of socks to put on. Then, I wrapped myself as best as I could in the zigzagy blanket that I crocheted two and a half years ago. A warm cup of coffee would have been nice, but, since I am on a strict diet, I'm only allowed to drink natural juices and tea. Around this time of the year, artsy craftsy people [read more...]

My soft Spot for Crocheting – The Sequel

You Tube Views and Subscribers October 2014 You Tube Views and Subscribers October 2014

This week I've been on listening to music spree. That is why I've been dragging the subject about crocheting for so long. But today, this post will be more to the point.
Last time I said I was invited to go to Ireland for the summer, in 2012. While staying there, I couldn't find a job, because, well, I was basically just a tourist and couldn't get all the legal documentation (address, bank account, bills, and the like). So, I had to find something else to do. [read more...]

My soft Spot for Crocheting – The End of the Saga

My Soft Spot for Crocheting and Yarn Bombing My Soft Spot for Crocheting and Yarn Bombing

This post's title says that this is the end of the saga, but I really hope that this is not really the end. Today's post will include things that I omitted or forgot about in the previous posts and a few personal thoughts based on my experience so far.
If you are someone who used to know me back in my teens, you will ironically ask yourselves: "What? Catalina didn't become some badass leader, manager, lawyer, journalist, [read more...]


  • A Candidate To Fall In Love With, Anyone?
    A Candidate To Fall In Love With, Anyone?

    The most philosophical conversation I’ve had with the hands fluttering in my eyes I’ve dreamed over 500 times by now was as follows . ” Are You My Subconscious ?” I asked . ” Maybe I am , maybe I am not ” , they answered . ” What are your intentions ? ” ” I want to induce a certain vibratory emotion in your deep and subtle levels of your mind . It is […]

  • My own Oracle
    My own Oracle

    Earlier today, I tell mom that last night I dreamed about Keanu Reeves. “Do you know who he is?” I ask her. “Of course, I know”, she answers. Five minutes later I hear my mom laughing uncontrollably. “What’s going on”, I exclaim. Nothing. No answer, mom still laughing her butt off. “What’s happening”, I repeat my question. Sis then tells me that, while browsing a website, mom got to a video showing Keanu Reeves in […]