X Number of Days of Being Blind and Deaf


Dear Readers,

My name is Ana-Maria, and I am Catalina’s older sister. I am the person that has been posting on her behalf for the past months.

What happened to Catalina was a life changing event for everyone in our family. It was very hard in the beginning, we were clueless about everything. But, slowly, we began to adjust and managed to bring an ounce  of normality in our life and , especially, in Catalina’s life.  The fact that she began to hear has saved her…the more her hearing began to heal, the easiest it became for her to cope with the ordeal of being in darkness.

I want to show everyone that people can overcome anything, if they have the right care and emotional support.  I wish to start a photo diary called “X Number of Days of Being Blind and Partially Deaf” – each day I will post a photo of  Catalina highlighting moments of her struggle to have a normal life. I want this to be her legacy and when she recovers and watches this project, I want her to see how brave and strong she was.

United,  people are strong !

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