Apr 092015
My own Oracle

Earlier today, I tell mom that last night I dreamed about Keanu Reeves. “Do you know who he is?” I ask her. “Of course, I know”, she answers. Five minutes later I hear my mom laughing uncontrollably. “What’s going on”, I exclaim. Nothing. No answer, mom still laughing her butt off. “What’s happening”, I repeat my question. Sis then tells me that, while browsing a website, mom got to a video showing Keanu Reeves in the foreground. It was a short scene from the movie Matrix, the part where Neo goes to the Oracle. If you don’t remember or haven’t […]

Dec 222014
My Brain vs. The Computer and The OS

Dear Readers, Ever since my brain was damaged, I became very interested in how this “pretty” organ works and how mine is working, in particular. In nearly all articles that were read to me, the brain is often compared to a computer and unanimously described as an electric network. If this is the case, everyone of us owns a very powerful computer without even knowing. All sorts of associations between my damaged brain and a computer/ an OS come to mind. If my brain is a computer, then I’m functioning on a Pentium 1 Processor, with 126 MB RAM, with […]

Sep 082014
Fall is Coming with New Ideas, Plans and Sue Sidle Thoughts

Dear Readers, Yet again, it has been quite a while since my last post. …Unbelievable how time passes… .114 days until the end of the year… . Yes, I am counting the end of my days. It is the first time in my life that I wish for the time to pass as quickly as possible. I even ask my sister to “wake me up when September ends”. She said she would if she were able to. I even asked her to induce me into a coma, and she is such a kindhearted person, that she googled about the problem […]